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What The Secret Joe Rogan Spotify Revolt Leaks Reveal, Charli D'Amelio, & COVID Vaccine Confusion.Nicholas: The thing about Joe Rogan to me is when he has people like Alex Jones or Gavin McInnes on his podcast, its kind of a huge normalization of their views. I get Joe's stance is that he'll have anybody on, but whenever I see one with a pretty racist dude on it, he doesn't really challenge them much, and kinda just has an un-intrusive softball kind of session with them. I don't hate Joe, and Jenner calling him out is kinda rich all things considered, but I think he has improvements to make with how he runs his show and how he presents a joke, cuz honestly while it wasn't malicious it did come off a little tactless to me.
Date: 2020-09-18
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Joe Rogan, creator of The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, has run up against some content restrictions at Spotify. Over 40 episodes of his show have been mysteriously removed from the streaming platform's catalog. Spotify has not offered reasons for the episodes' removal, though given the guest roster of some of them, it isn't hard to guess. Joe Rogan finally responds to rumors of turmoil among Spotify executives and their employees. A group of employees reportedly plan to strike if Spotify isn't. Listen to The Joe Rogan Experience on Spotify. The official podcast of comedian Joe Rogan. Follow The Joe Rogan Clips show page for some of the best moments from the episodes. We and our partners use cookies to personalize your experience, to show.

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• Matt Stonie

Comments and reviews: 9

I think people put too much stock in who Caitlyn Jenner is as opposed to what she's saying, like what Joe said is transphobic regardless of who calls him on it? Oh but he says he supports trans people! so do truscum and transmedicalist, and frankly I'd say that's about where he falls. Seriously anyone can say they're not x bad thing but the opinions you have and actions you take speak louder, and I'd say Joe has some work to do before he can really be considered not transphobic.
I'm not saying we should deplatform him or whatever, but I do think people need to be way more critical of the things he says about trans people and his jokes which are deeply transphobic. Regardless of your feelings on his jokes though, lots of his other actions are clearly transphobic: his consistent missgenerding and deadnaming of Caitlyn (which again, is wrong no matter how shit a person Caitlyn is, undermining support in trans youths and pushing the narrative that trans kids are heavily medicalized (they're not, you can generally only start hormone treatment at 16, and even then only blockers till your older, which if you go off if you do decide against it you'll just have puberty later and be fine, His emphasis on gatekeeping the trans community, that crack at trans female athletes, etc.
He's hardly the worst and he's clearly trying, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement here nor that the things he said were not hurtful and harmful. Idk I feel like people are choosing sides based on who they like, not what was said. You can still think someones mostly good while recognizing they still have some harmful shit to unlearn, have some nuance. But that's just my opinion.
Trans woman here. I don't think Rogan is intentionally, maliciously transphobic but I do think he still believes some misconceptions about trans people and gender transition that lead him to say some transphobic shit. For example, the ideas that kids are being pressured by doctors or therapists to transition, or are getting hormone treatment and transition surgeries at a young age are just false. No one gets transition-related surgeries before they're 18 and I've never heard of any trans youth starting hormone treatment before they're 14 or 15. Yes, some trans kids may be given puberty blockers at a relatively young age, but this is entirely reversible if the kid turns out not to be trans, and literally life-saving if the kid is in fact trans. The same puberty blockers are even prescribed to non-trans kids to delay an otherwise early (and unhealthy) onset of puberty. And with regards to the whole it's just jokes defense, jokes still communicate ideas and beliefs. If the idea behind a joke is transphobic, then the joke is probably transphobic. There are ways to joke about trans people that don't dehumanize us or delegitimize our identities. I'm fine with Rogan's library of work remaining on Spotify, but I think it would be wise and responsible of Spotify to remove the episodes in which Rogan perpetuates misconceptions that can be dangerous for trans people, particularly trans kids.
The entire time, he is literally explaining how he came up with a joke. It's not meant to be serious. He doesn't really think that you become trans because crazy women whisper in your ear while you sleep. I know we've lost our sense of humor completely as a culture but he's said some pretty pro trans things on his pod casts and his concerns with early transitioning are very valid. To throw out the entire pod cast because he was explaining how he came up with a joke seems so backwards.
PS. no-one had a problem with the joke when he was preforming it several years ago.
Of course he said that, election people! Hes an absolute shit talker and has only one train of thought and thats to be reelected! But erm what happened to health care he promises every couple of months, yeah its ready to go, 2 weeks 2 weeks has been nearly 4 years. And the amazing job hes done! WHAT THE HELL, everything he says hes done he either hasn't or was done by another president. Sorry America, UK is a shit show but i cry for you on a regular basis an hope things get better FAST!
When people agree with Caitlin Jennner over this when she is such a controversial figure it means that Joe really needs to learn a bit about the trans experience, just trying to speak with trans people getting to know them and their struggles can help, the fact that they have always been a punching bag and a joke it's truly sad, they deserve to feel normal and like human beings with worth and with a right to have a normal life living their truth
once again, just say the damn phrase Vote for Binden and not Trump instead of trying to fake being neutral
if you wish that people dont use the Vaccine just because you dont like trump, politcs are taking over your own coherence ffs
just state that the vaccine was made by medics and not trump, downplay him to not being part of that, just dont BELITTLE THE VACCINE ITSELF FFS
I dont trust the vaccine because trump said its good come on.
the head of the CDC regardless of having a political agenda or not sounds like he's more grounded in logic and fact then Trump ever has. I doubt Trump understand how complicated Logistics is for Distributing vaccines to people all over the country it's not going to take a day even if we have enough not to mention needing to distribute to the rest of the world to end the worldwide pandemic
The only people that believe any of Trump's lies are his own supporters. They're anti-vax conspiracy theorists who aren't going to be interested in vaccine that's pushed out too quickly right before an election. So whose vote does he really expect to gain with all these lies about the public getting vaccines within 2 months?
You may think Trump is lying about the phone calls he gets from people in other countries, but I agree with him. I'm sure people in other countries can't believe the job that his administration has done. It's just that they can't believe how poor of a job his administration has done.

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Guess Who Just Got Accused Of Stealing! H3H3, James Charles, Zendaya, & The Ugly Fight Over RBG Seat →

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• Matt Stonie

Comments and reviews: 9

I think people put too much stock in who Caitlyn Jenner is as opposed to what she's saying, like what Joe said is transphobic regardless of who calls him on it? Oh but he says he supports trans people! so do truscum and transmedicalist, and frankly I'd say that's about where he falls. Seriously anyone can say they're not x bad thing but the opinions you have and actions you take speak louder, and I'd say Joe has some work to do before he can really be considered not transphobic.
I'm not saying we should deplatform him or whatever, but I do think people need to be way more critical of the things he says about trans people and his jokes which are deeply transphobic. Regardless of your feelings on his jokes though, lots of his other actions are clearly transphobic: his consistent missgenerding and deadnaming of Caitlyn (which again, is wrong no matter how shit a person Caitlyn is, undermining support in trans youths and pushing the narrative that trans kids are heavily medicalized (they're not, you can generally only start hormone treatment at 16, and even then only blockers till your older, which if you go off if you do decide against it you'll just have puberty later and be fine, His emphasis on gatekeeping the trans community, that crack at trans female athletes, etc.
He's hardly the worst and he's clearly trying, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement here nor that the things he said were not hurtful and harmful. Idk I feel like people are choosing sides based on who they like, not what was said. You can still think someones mostly good while recognizing they still have some harmful shit to unlearn, have some nuance. But that's just my opinion.
Trans woman here. I don't think Rogan is intentionally, maliciously transphobic but I do think he still believes some misconceptions about trans people and gender transition that lead him to say some transphobic shit. For example, the ideas that kids are being pressured by doctors or therapists to transition, or are getting hormone treatment and transition surgeries at a young age are just false. No one gets transition-related surgeries before they're 18 and I've never heard of any trans youth starting hormone treatment before they're 14 or 15. Yes, some trans kids may be given puberty blockers at a relatively young age, but this is entirely reversible if the kid turns out not to be trans, and literally life-saving if the kid is in fact trans. The same puberty blockers are even prescribed to non-trans kids to delay an otherwise early (and unhealthy) onset of puberty. And with regards to the whole it's just jokes defense, jokes still communicate ideas and beliefs. If the idea behind a joke is transphobic, then the joke is probably transphobic. There are ways to joke about trans people that don't dehumanize us or delegitimize our identities. I'm fine with Rogan's library of work remaining on Spotify, but I think it would be wise and responsible of Spotify to remove the episodes in which Rogan perpetuates misconceptions that can be dangerous for trans people, particularly trans kids.
The entire time, he is literally explaining how he came up with a joke. It's not meant to be serious. He doesn't really think that you become trans because crazy women whisper in your ear while you sleep. I know we've lost our sense of humor completely as a culture but he's said some pretty pro trans things on his pod casts and his concerns with early transitioning are very valid. To throw out the entire pod cast because he was explaining how he came up with a joke seems so backwards.
PS. no-one had a problem with the joke when he was preforming it several years ago.
Of course he said that, election people! Hes an absolute shit talker and has only one train of thought and thats to be reelected! But erm what happened to health care he promises every couple of months, yeah its ready to go, 2 weeks 2 weeks has been nearly 4 years. And the amazing job hes done! WHAT THE HELL, everything he says hes done he either hasn't or was done by another president. Sorry America, UK is a shit show but i cry for you on a regular basis an hope things get better FAST!
When people agree with Caitlin Jennner over this when she is such a controversial figure it means that Joe really needs to learn a bit about the trans experience, just trying to speak with trans people getting to know them and their struggles can help, the fact that they have always been a punching bag and a joke it's truly sad, they deserve to feel normal and like human beings with worth and with a right to have a normal life living their truth
once again, just say the damn phrase Vote for Binden and not Trump instead of trying to fake being neutral
if you wish that people dont use the Vaccine just because you dont like trump, politcs are taking over your own coherence ffs
just state that the vaccine was made by medics and not trump, downplay him to not being part of that, just dont BELITTLE THE VACCINE ITSELF FFS
I dont trust the vaccine because trump said its good come on.
the head of the CDC regardless of having a political agenda or not sounds like he's more grounded in logic and fact then Trump ever has. I doubt Trump understand how complicated Logistics is for Distributing vaccines to people all over the country it's not going to take a day even if we have enough not to mention needing to distribute to the rest of the world to end the worldwide pandemic
The only people that believe any of Trump's lies are his own supporters. They're anti-vax conspiracy theorists who aren't going to be interested in vaccine that's pushed out too quickly right before an election. So whose vote does he really expect to gain with all these lies about the public getting vaccines within 2 months?
You may think Trump is lying about the phone calls he gets from people in other countries, but I agree with him. I'm sure people in other countries can't believe the job that his administration has done. It's just that they can't believe how poor of a job his administration has done.

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